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Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, DSc, PhD, Eng


Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Joanna Bac-Bronowiczul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 372

phone +48 506176893

Office hours in  2022/2023

  • Wednesday, in hours: 10:00 – 12:00

    In the form of Zoom meetings:

    Tuesday, in hours: 9:00 – 11:00, after an email announcement;

    to get started click on the link:

Research fields

Currently, she is involved in creating models and visualizing spatio-temporal data. For 20 years, based on GIS, she has been constructing maps from topographic databases and thematic environmental databases. It also cooperates with the Lower Silesian Spatial System managed by the Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship.

She is a member of the National Council of Geodesy and Cartography of the Surveyor General of Poland, the Council of Spatial Information Infrastructure at Minister of Development and Technology and many others.

She was one of the founders of the Association of Polish Cartographers and has been the president of this association since 1999.

She is the author of over 130 published works and the manager of many projects, including "Methodology and procedures for integration, visualization, generalization and standardization of reference databases available in the geodetic and cartographic resources and their use to build thematic databases". 


Recent papers



  • Bac- Bronowicz J. i in. System ewaluacji usług ekosystemowych zieleni miejskiej. Geoportal 3D z interaktywnym modelem miasta. Red. Bac-Bronowicz J., Uciechowska-Grakowicz A. 2022. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
  • Lewandowicz L., Bac-Bronowicz J. Outdoor tourism, kayaking, tourism potential and tourism operation in Central-Eastern Europe: the case of Poland. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. 2022. Vol.40, nr 1.
  • Kwinta A.,  Bac-Bronowicz J. Simplification of 2D shapes with equivalent rectangles. Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation. 2022, vol. 71, nr 1, art. e14, s. 1-24.


  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Kowalczyk P., Bartlewska-Urban M., Risk reduction of a terrorist attack on a critical infrastructure facility of LGOM based on the example of the Żelazny Most  (OUOW). Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica. 2020. Vol. 42: Is. 4. 2021.
  • Barańska A, Bac-Bronowicz J, Dejniak D, Lewiński S, Krawczyk A, Chrobak T. A Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021; 10(3):107.


  • Kwinta A., Bac-Bronowicz J., Regular polygons in 2D objects shape description. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape. Nr 4, 2020.
  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Wojciechowska G. Wykorzystanie publicznych baz danych i innych zasobów w dokumentacji budynków na przykładzie katedry wrocławskiej. The use of public databases and other resources in construction documentation. The case of Wroclaw Cathedral. Dziedzictwo architektoniczne : ochrona i badania obiektów zabytkowych / red. Ewa Łużyniecka. Wrocław : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2020. s. 91-104 


  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Grzempowski P. Regionalization of geographical space according to selected topographic factors in reference to spatial distribution of precipitation: application of artificial neural networks in GIS. Environmental Earth Science.  vol. 77, art. 631.2018.


  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Wojciechowska G., Stan prac nad rozwojem bazy danych architektonicznego dziedzictwa przemysłowego Wrocławia (The status of work on development of the database of architectural industrial heritage in Wroclaw). Roczniki Geomatyki. 2016, Vol. XIV No 5.
  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Górniak-Zimroz J, Pactwa K., Wykorzystanie państwowych rejestrów geoprzestrzennych w środowisku GIS do identyfikacji środowiskowych i społecznych konfliktów spowodowanych odkrywkową eksploatacją złóż surowców zwięzłych (Using of geospatial national registers in GIS environment for identification of social and environmental conflicts caused by opencast exploitation of solid raw materials). Roczniki Geomatyki., Vol. XIV, No 4.


  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Głażewski A., Liberadzki O., Wilczyńska I. Harmonizacja modeli pojęciowych BDOT10k i BDOT500 w kontekście wymiany danych (Harmonization of the conceptual models of the reference databases BDOT10k and BDOT500 considering data exchange). Roczniki Geomatyki (Annals of Geomatics), Vol. XIII, No 4. 


  • Bac-Bronowicz J. Cartographic presentation of spatio-temporal information related to point data on the basis of historical data from atlases of precipitation. Proc. of 5 th International Workshop on Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage. University of Technology. Vienna. Evangelos Livieratos and Georg Gartner (Editors).
  • Kowalski P.J., Olszewski R., Bac-Bronowicz J., A Multiresolution, Reference and Thematic Database as the NSDI Component in Poland – The Concept and Management Systems [in:] Gartner G. and Ortag F. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe Selected Papers of the 1st ICA Symposium on Cartography for Central and Eastern Europe, Springer-Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg.


  • Bac-Bronowicz J., Topographic factors as the possibilities to determine the reliability zones of transferred information of continuous features measured in point. Proceedings of the First Geoinformatics Forum, Salzburg. Austria. Bac-Bronowicz J. 2007. GIS as a useful tool for Spatial Distribution of Climate Parameters Observed in Point Over Relatively Long Period of Time. GIS Development, Conference Map Asia 2007., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Papers in DONA database

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025