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Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Paweł Strzałkowski, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining

ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 361
phone +48 71 320 6815

Office hours

  • Sunday (odd week) 15.00-17.00
  • Sunday (even week) 11.00-13.00


Recent papers


  • Strzałkowski P., Köken E. Assessment of Böhme abrasion value of natural stones through artificial neural networks (ANN). Materials. 2022, vol. 15, nr 7, s. 1-14.
  • Kaźmierczak U., Bartlewska-Urban M., Strzałkowski P. Slope shape optimization of water reservoirs formed due to the reclamation of post-mining excavations. Applied Sciences. 2022, vol. 12, nr 3, s. 1-16.


  • Strzałkowski P., Kaźmierczak U. Wear and fragmentation resistance of mineral aggregates - a reviwe of micro-Deval and Los Angeles tests. Materials, vol. 14, nr 18, s. 1-16.
  • Strzałkowski P. Characteristics of waste generated in dimension stone processing. Energies. 2021, vol. 14, nr 21, s. 1-16.
  • Strzałkowski P., Duchnowska M., Kaźmierczak U., Bakalarz A., Wolny M., Karwowski P., Stępień T. Evaluation of the structure and geometric properties of crushed igneous rock aggregates. Materials. 2021, vol. 14, nr 23, s. 1-18.


  • Strzałkowski P., Kaźmierczak U., Wolny M., Assessment of the method for abrasion resistance determination of sandstones on Böhme abrasion test apparatus. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2020, vol. 79, nr 4, s. 1-10.


  • Strzałkowski P., Kaźmierczak U., The scope of reclamataion works for areas after the exploitation of rock raw materials. Applied Sciences. 2019, vol. 9, nr 6, s. 1-16.
  • Kaźmierczak U., Strzałkowski P., Lorenc M.W., Szumska E., Perez Sanchez A.A., Baker K., Post-mining remnants and revitalization. Geoheritage. 2019, vol. 11, nr 39, s. 2025-2044.
  • Strzałkowski P., Statistical analysis of workplace accidents in Polish mining industry. W: World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2019): 09-13 September 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. IOP Publishing, 2019, s. 1-10.
  • Kaźmierczak U., Malewski J., Strzałkowski P., The concept of forecasting the reclamation cost in rock mining. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Minerals Resources Menagement. 2019, vol. 35, nr 4, s. 163-176.
  • Kaźmierczak U., Strzałkowski P., Environmentally friendly rock mining - case study of the Limestone Mine "Górażdże", Poland. Applied Sciences. 2019, vol. 9, nr 24, s. 1-11.


  • Kaźmierczak U., Lorenc M., Strzałkowski P., The analysis of the existing terminology related to a post-mining land use: a proposal for new classification. Environmental Earth Science. 2017, vol. 76, nr 30, 1-10.

Papers in DONA database

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