Justyna Woźniak, DSc, PhD, Eng
Email: justyna.wozniak@pwr.edu.pl
Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining
ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
bud. L-2 (GEO-3M) pok. 2.16
phone +48 71 320 6806
Office hours 2024/25
Research fields
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable development (SD), ESG, OHS, economics of mining and energy, surface mining.
Papers in DONA database
Recent papers
- Woźniak, J. (2022). Corporate vs. Corporate foundation as a support tool in the area of social responsibility strategy–Polish mining case. Resources Policy, 77, 102659.
- Woźniak, J., & Jurczyk, W. (2022). SLO in CSR perspective-A comparative case study from Poland (2018–2020). Resources Policy, 77, 102654.
- Woźniak, J., Krysa Z., & Dudek, M. (2020). Concept of government-subsidized energy prices for a group of individual consumers in Poland as a means to reduce smog. Energy Policy. 2020, vol. 144, art. 111620, s. 1-8.
- Pactwa, K., Woźniak, J., & Dudek, M. (2020). Coal mining waste in Poland in reference to circular economy principles. Fuel, 270, 117493.
- Woźniak, J., Jurczyk, W. (2020). Social and environmental activities in the Polish mining region in the context of CSR. Resources Policy, 65, 101554.
2017 - 2019
- monografia Woźniak J., Rola i implementacja koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności w funkcjonowaniu branży wydobywczej i energetycznej. Copyright by Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2019. ISBN 978-83-951536-4-8
- Woźniak J., Pactwa K.,Possibilities for using mine waters in the context of the construction of heat energy clusters in Poland. Energy, Sustainability and Society. 2019, vol. 9, s. 1-10.
- Woźniak J., Pactwa K. Analysis of the socio-environmental policy of selected mining companies on the basis of non-financial reporting. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Mineral Resources Management. 2019, vol. 35, nr 1, s. 177-194.
- Woźniak J., Pactwa K., Overwiev of polish mining wastes with circular economy and its comparison with other wastes. Sustainability [Dokument elektroniczny]. 2018, 10(11), 3994
- Woźniak J., Pactwa K., Responsible mining — the impact of the mining industry in Poland on the quality of atmospheric air. Sustainability [Dokument elektroniczny]. 2018, vol. 10, nr 4, art. 1184, s. 1-16.
- Woźniak J., Pactwa K., Environmental activity of mining industry leaders in Poland in line with the principles of sustainable development. Sustainability [Dokument elektroniczny]. 2017, vol. 9, nr 11, art. 1903, s. 1-13
- Pactwa K., Woźniak J. Environmental reporting policy of the mining industry leaders in Poland. Resources Policy. 2017, nr 53, s. 201-207