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Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Accredited laboratories

Accredited laboratories Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

We provide a business offer for companies seeking innovative products, modern technologies and research,as well as solutions in the area of the design and implementation of systems control, and process and technology monitoring. The Faculty's laboratories are authorised to offering studies and services which involve assessment of products', systems' and installations' conformity with the standards in force across the European Union.


Belt Conveying Laboratory

Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
research laboratory, accreditation no. AB 710

Scope of research

fire tests,mechanical and metallography tests,

studies of physical properties.

Objects of research

plastic and rubber products.

prof. dr hab. inż. Monika Hardygóra, prof. zw.  


Contact information
+48 71 320 68 42

Work Safety Laboratory

Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
research laboratory, accreditation no. AB 905

Scope of research

chemical studies, chemical analytics,studies related to environ

ental engineering (environmental and climatic),

studies of physical properties, drawing of samples, laboratories accredited for drawing of samples.

Objects of research

environmental samples, air, water,soil,waste, sediments and sewage.

mgr inż.  Michał Stopa

Contact information
+48 71 320 68 44


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