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Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Witold Kawalec, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining

Witold Kawalecul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 379
phone +48 71 320 6848

Office hours (academic year 2024/25, winter semester); these arrangements can be modified

  • Wednesday 11-13
  • Thursday 13-14 (in October), 13-15 (thereafter)

Research fields

  • Mathematical modeling in the mining industry: computer methods of 3D orebody modelling and mining planning and design, modeling and computations of mining transportation.

Recent papers

Czajka K., Kawalec W., Król R., Sówka I., Modelling and calculation of raw material industry, Energies. 2022. vol. 15, nr 14, art. 5035, s. 1-6

Bortnowski P.,Kawalec W., Król R., Ozdoba M.A., Identification of conveyor belt tension with the use of its transverse vibration frequencies. Measurement (London). 2022, vol. 190, art. 110706, s. 1-12.

Kawalec W., Król R.,Generating of electric energy by a declined overburden conveyor in a continuous surface mine. Energies. 2021, vol. 14, nr 12, art. 4030, s. 1-11.

Kawalec W., Suchorab N., Konieczna-Fuławka M., Król R., Specific energy consumption of a belt conveyor system in a continuous surface mine. Energies. 2020. vol. 13, nr 19, art. 5214, s. 1-10

Bardziński P., Jurdziak L., Kawalec W., Król R., Copper ore quality tracking in a belt conveyor system using simulation tools. Natural Resources Research. 2019, s. 1-10

Dudek M.W., Krysa Z., Jurdziak L., Kawalec W., Importance of fuel in the valuation of lignite-based energy projects with risk assessment from geology to energy market. Fuel (Guildford). 2017, vol. 209, s. 694-701.

Papers in DONA database

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025