Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii

Study in English

Mining and Geology:

- Mining Engineering (3-semesters)

- Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering (3-semesters Second semester is a mobility period when the students will follow a structured exchange program at the University of Miskolc (Hungary)

- Geomatics for Mineral Resource Management (4-semesters – double degree program offered by TUBergakademie Freiberg (Germany) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

- Geomatics for Mineral Resource Management (4-semesters – double degree program offered by Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technologycially in geodesy and cartography.

Mining Engineering

Mining Engineering (field of study Mining and Geology) II level studies (MSc program) fully taught in English, 3-semesters (90 ECTS) starting in mid-February 2021, ending in July 2022

Graduate profile

The graduate will possess most current and deepened knowledge as well as practical skills in general subjects, like geostatistics and geochemistry and also in specialization issues like geomechanics, open pit and underground excavation design, geological modelling and computer-aided design, mining machinery and automation, mineral processing, environmental management, circular economy issues and industrial safety problems. Beside these, the graduate will possess managerial skills, will be trained in project management, decision making, risk mitigation, will know the legal and economic environment of the mining industry. Alongside with faculty staff, several industrial experts will be involved in teaching. Therefore students will be well informed and aware of the current industry challenges and expectations. Graduates will be prepared to design technological processes, manage these processes in an industrial scale as well as to solve research and development type of problems using entrepreneurial skills.

Employment options – worldwide:

• underground and surface mining companies
• geotechnical engineering enterprises
• geological survey and prospecting companies
• companies related to the mining industry, suppliers, service companies
• mining authorities and regulators, governmental and local institutions dealing with natural resource management and mining
• research institutes, development centers dealing with energy and raw materials problems.

Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering

Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering (field of study Mining and Geology) II level studies (MSc program) fully taught in English, 3-semesters (90 ECTS) - starting in mid-February 2021, ending in July 2022. Second semester is a mobility period when the students will follow a structured exchange program at the University of Miskolc (Hungary). Erasmus Plus mobility grants will support the students during their stay in Hungary.

The international program is based on two master programs: Environmental engineering MSc with Remediation and geotechnics specialization at the University of Miskolc and the Mining and Geology MSc with Mining Engineering specialization at the TU Wroclaw. Students registered at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, after earning credits for all courses in the curriculum and defending the thesis, will receive the diploma of our university.
The program was designed as a response to the growing need for specialists qualified in geotechnics and rock mechanics who, on the other hand, are able to deal with environmental risk assessment, remediation across all stages of the mining value chain. In Europe this need was caused by the implementation of the Extractive Waste Directive of the EU. Nevertheless, environmental and geotechnical issues remain important for the whole global extractive industry. Beside problems caused by newly developed deposits and currently operating mines, the legacy of the extensive ore mining activities in the past needssite remediation and safety measures all over the Globe.

Graduate profile

The graduate will possess most current and deepened knowledge as well as practical skills in general subjects, like geostatistics and geochemistry and also in specialization issues like geomechanics, open pit excavation design, geological modelling, integrated analysis of deformations, environmental management, waste remediation methods, environmental geotechnics and industrial safety problems. Beside these, the graduate will possess managerial skills, will be trained in project management, decision making, risk mitigation, will know the legal and economic environment of the mining industry. Alongside with faculty staff, several industrial experts will be involved in teaching. Therefore students will be well informed and aware of the current industry challenges and expectations. Graduates will be prepared to design technological processes, manage these processes in an industrial scale as well as to solve research and development type of problems using entrepreneurial skills. Studying in the international environment will enhance their intercultural competence and inter-personal skills. Graduates will be prepared to work in a global business environment.

Employment options - worldwide:

• underground and surface mining companies
• geotechnical and civil engineering enterprises
• companies and institutions specialized in monitoring and environmental protection
• companies specialized in waste remediation and post-mining site reclamation
• mining authorities and regulators, governmental and local institutions dealing with environmental protection and geotechnical engineering
• research institutes, development centers dealing with geotechnical or environmental problems
• in companies related to the mining industry, civil engineering or environmental engineering.

Geomatics for Mineral Resource Management

Geomatics for Mineral Resource Management (field of Study Mining and Geology) II level studies (MSc program) fully taught in English, 4-semesters (120 ECTS) - starting in mid-February 2021, ending in January 2023. This is a joint – double degree program offered by TUBergakademie Freiberg (Germany) or Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
The program is meant for bachelors in mining and geology as well as BSc-s in geodesy and cartography or related engineering disciplines.

The first semester will be taught at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, while in the second and third semesters the students will follow the curriculum courses at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Erasmus Plus mobility grants will support the students during their stay in Germany or in Austria.
Students registered at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, after the two-semesters mobility period -in the fourth semester will write the master thesis in Wroclaw under the supervision of two professors representing both universities. After defending the thesis they will receive the diplomas of both partner universities.

More information on this master program can be found at:



Graduate profile

Geomatics is an interdisciplinary field of research that combines aspects of surveying, sensor technology with data processing, geoinformatics and geomodelling. The main focus of Geomatics lies on the regulation and control of the interplay between resource extraction and its environmental impact. Having excellently trained experts in the field of Geomatics is nowadays more important than ever. The reason for that is the continuously rising global demand for raw materials, which leads to the extraction of mineral resources in areas of the geosphere that are more difficult to access. Simultaneously, the highest levels of safety, as well as environmental and social regulations need to be fulfilled, and the optimal use of natural resources by maximizing recovery is desired. This requires engineers to be able to develop new innovative solutions, making the best use of most modern technology to acquire, manage and analyze geodata.
The graduate will also gain managerial skills, will be trained in project management, decision making, risk mitigation, will know the legal and economic environment of the mining industry. In addition to the standard courses taught by staff from both partner universities and industry experts, massive open online courses (MOOC’s) are offered for the students. The MOOC’s consist of a series of web-videos, which cover the content of an individual course.

Employment options - worldwide:

Thus graduate of this master program will be prepared to work in an international and multicultural environment in mining and exploration companies, technical supervision authorities, public administration offices, research and development institutions, everywhere advanced and state of the art interdisciplinary knowledge spanning mining and geology, computer aided design, geomatics.

Geodesy and Cartography

- Geomatics (field of study: Geodesy and Cartography) II level studies (MSc program) fully taught in English, 3-semesters (90 ECTS) starting in mid-February 2021, ending in July 2022.

Geomatics (field of study: Geodesy and Cartography) II level studies (MSc program) fully taught in English, 3-semesters (90 ECTS) starting in mid-February 2021, ending in July 2022.

Geomatics is an interdisciplinary scientific and technical discipline that combines aspects of surveying, remote sensing, sensor technology with data processing, geoinformatics and geomodelling. It deals with the acquisition, analysis, interpretation, dissemination and practical application of geoinformation. Geomatics analyses and synthesizes information about spatial processes and phenomena and their changes. Geodata is used to create precise computer models that help us better understand spatial processes and shape future activities. Geodata is an element of almost every intelligent IT system. The innovative economy and many science branches require geoinformation.
The universality of geoinformation and the prospect of a further increase in its use (processing and analysing large collections of geodata) generate a demand for specialists in the field of development and management of geoinformatics knowledge. Education in the field of Geodesy and Cartography with a specialization in Geomatics at the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology meets this demand.

Job prospects
The Geomatics graduate is prepared to work for various agencies, where contemporary knowledge and skills in geomatics are required, including surveying companies, state administration, design offices, and research units.

Entry information
The program is designed for holders of a first-degree engineering diploma, especially in geodesy and cartography.

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